Alex – Tutor Interview Questions

  1. What sparked your passion for maths/computer science, leading you to tutor in these subjects?
    1. I always remember myself questioning the world around me, asking why things are the way they are. What is the reason the sky is blue? How does our plant sustain life while others do not? What is the universe? Questions like these are fundamental to our existence and through mathematics and physics we can explain logically explain the laws of the universe. Computers allow us to take these phenomena and simulate them or we can create our little universes with laws to our liking. 
  2. How has your background in maths/computer science shaped your life or career path?
    1. Being immersed inside this world and learning as much as possible has pushed me in the direction to uncover many new and cutting-edge technologies which I want to be a part of. I have decided to start my career in Artificial Intelligence, which is the most rapidly growing science now.
  3. For someone unsure about diving into maths/computer science, what advice would you give?
    1. Curiosity defiantly did no kill the cat, it only made it smarter. There are countless opportunities inside these fields and it is important to remember to not be afraid when exploring different areas until you find something that truly excites you. 
  4. How many programming languages or mathematical theories do you work with, and do you have a favorite? Why?
    1. I have worked with many programming languages and mathematical theories. Python is my favourite programming language because of its simplicity and versatility, especially for beginners. My favourite mathematical theorem would be Green’s Function which gives a toolbox on solving complex equations that usually do not have a solution by other methods.
  5. What’s your preferred method for teaching complex maths/computer science concepts?
    1. I like to teach through doing. Giving examples, questions and guidance for the student to understand complex concepts and to be able to apply them.
  6. Is there a particular area within maths/computer science that you find most fascinating, and why?
    1. Articial intelligence and blockchain technologies are the most fascinating fields for now as they will shortly be needed by every computer. The applications of these technologies are endless.
  7. Can you share an experience where understanding maths/computer science profoundly impacted you or someone you know?
    1. Understanding Green’s theorem impacted my ability to understand and solve complex mathematical problems, giving me a ‘eureka’ moment whenever I could find the correct solution to something that has been bothering me for days.
  8. How do you keep up with the rapidly evolving fields of maths and computer science?
    1. I am signed up for weekly newsletters about the tech industry, using social media and YouTube is a very good way to begin learning about the evolving fields. The most information can be gathered though books and research papers which is a prominent way of keeping up to date in the academic world.
  9. What do you believe is the most rewarding aspect of tutoring in maths/computer science?
    1. The most rewarding part is witnessing students’ growth, from confusion to clarity, and knowing I played a part in their journey.
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